Sunday, February 3, 2013

6 months - 1/2 birthday!

Peter is 6mo. old today!  I can't believe it has been half of a year already.  Every month literally gets better and better.  It's hard to understand when people say that - but it's true.  Granted I may feel different when he is in the terrible 2 phase.  Here are some pictures from the weekend!  This week's mission?  Try rice cereal and start some solids.
6 months and sitting all by myself!
39degrees!  Felt like spring at Crescent Lake.

Crystal clear

Our friends the Sages came up to visit Sat afternoon.  Samantha built three little snowmen - she said that one was Peter, one was her little brother Theo, and one was Samantha - adorable!

Sitting at the big kid table and reading

Gorgeous sunset

Waking up from my nap

I'm digging this new toy mom (thank you Essins for handing this down!)

big boy stroller!  I don't have to ride in my carseat anymore!

Loves to read


  1. He is just perfect! That is so great that he is sitting independently! The pictures of the lake make me home sick. I miss Oregon. Think of you guys often.
