Monday, April 28, 2014

Chatter Box

Peter's vocabulary has exploded this week.  He is now just shy of 21 months At least Jake and I can understand most of the words ;o)
Here are some of his latest and greatest:

"Biilll" (bee-l) - Grandpa Bill
"Jay" - Grandpa Jay
"Ka" (Kathy without the 'thy')- Grandma Kathy
"Pa" (think Pam without the 'm') - Grandma Pam
"Joe" - cousin Joe who came to visit a few weeks ago (Peter can't stop talking about him)
"Pooh" - not to be confused with Poop.  Sometimes it's tough to tell.  This is often referring to the TV b/c we did let him watch the occasional blip of a pooh bear carton in order to calm him down enough for a diaper change.  Yep, we did it.  Screen time for Peter.  It doesn't happen often, but enough that he constantly points at the TV and says "Pooh!  Pooh!"
"Cah" - Car, or Aunt Karin
"Gate" - in reference to all doors and gates, typically implying that we need to close the gate/door
"Poop" - he now tells us when he is going #2.  This prompted us to go out and buy a small sit upon potty.  Crossing our fingers for potty training before the age of 4 ;o)
"Horse" (minus the 'r' pronunciation)
"Dah", "Doh", or "Doh-doh" for any type of dog
"Ty-ty" - not sure if this is related to our buddy Tyler or his favorite Tiger book ;o)
"Nye, nye" - Night night
"Mama" - mom
"Da" (minus the last d) - dad

The names that crack me up are how he refers to his grandparents by their first names now.  He is pretty obsessed with them.  But hey, so are Jake and I.  They literally make our world go round right side up by providing us with lots of support and helping us care/watch Peter while we are at work etc..  Even at 4am when Peter woke up crying last night, I picked him up and the first thing he said was "Jay, Jay, Bill, Bill".  Pretty sweet.