Sunday, January 27, 2013


Getting dressed up for our walk to the grocery store!

Go Ducks!

Hey Grandpa....I love your nose!  He couldn't take his hands off Grandpa's nose all morning.  He's quite into faces these days

Future UMPT student?
More proof that he is a Clifton (and yes, Peter and his daddy are twins in grey plaid shirts and jeans - done totally on accident!)
Peter has become enamored with faces these days.  He loves to stare at faces, touch faces, and check out everyone's nose, eyes, chins, and sometimes pinch/grip onto your neck or cheeks.  Youch!  It's actually hilarious and so cute to watch him explore people.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Water baby!

I had a doll that I called "water baby" when I was little.  I took that baby with me in the bath tub, the hot tub and the baby pool.  She was awesome......until I loved her so much her arm came off!  Thank goodness I'm a better mama that I once was as a toddler.

We took Peter to the Tamarack pool today for baby swim and he had a blast!  I was so worried he was going to poop in the pool, but he was a rock star and held it.

I'm ready daddy - let's get in!

Gotta taste the water.  It's partially salt water so I think he was just digging the salty taste.  Don't drink the water buddy, seriously, it's baby swim time!

We went to the baby swim time with our Birth to Three parenting group/club

Bath time at home after the pool!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Coast to Coast

Peter's aunt Karin came to visit this weekend!  She flew in all the way from the east coast (Manhattan).  We went to the coast for a few nights and explored Florence.  We had a blast.  Jesse and Stefani Faunce came to visit with Harper and Sawyer as well.  Peter slept in his pack n play like a champ despite my worries (due to last weekend's rough night).  My mom and godmother Kathy even came to babysit Peter on Friday night so Jake and I could go out to dinner together (Waterfront Depot - yum!).  It was soooooo nice.  Jake and I hadn't been there since our 1st anniversary. 

Seeing Karin for the first time since October (check out how well he is sitting!)

Playing hike and seek - there are a lot of these pictures, but I couldn't resist.  She had him giggling/smiling ALL morning.  I love his smile!

Where did Karin go?


"Sawyer - check out my cool Giraffe Sophie!"
Papa Jesse with Harper and Sawyer

Crazy Cabin Crew

On Jan 12th we successfully made it to the cabin at Crescent Lake.  We rode a snowmobile, walked in the snow and just plain relaxed.  It was freezing outside - we were running the heaters all day and night.  In true Clifton style, we ate some great food (thanks Pam!).  Peter had his worst night sleep ever and stressed his mama out.  Short/lack of naps --> over tired baby + high altitude + cold temperatures + newly lowered pack n play --> unhappy Peter.  Thankfully he fell right back into his normal sleeping pattern the next night when we got home.  Our friend Jesse (Sawyer and Harper's papa) came in to visit us too.

We went really slow and it was a very steady snow mobile - Peter loved it.

The cabin!

Loving Crescent Lake

Playing with my feet!

Playing with Grandpa Jay

Early morning with Grandpa Jay


My godmother Kathy came to visit this week. Peter loved playing with her and he has significantly improved trunk control now (note: she is also a PT ;0) Peter is a lucky boy to have so many grandmas (and grandpas) around to play with him. She is a pro at raising "Peters" since her youngest is named Peter too. Thanks for visiting Kathy!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Big Heart

Today I am thinking about my friend Peter Tripp who passed away in an avalanche 8yrs ago.  He had such a big heart.  He was thoughtful, noble, smart, passionate, kind and had a kick ass sense of humor.  I can still hear his low pitched laugh.  He had a quiet presence about him that exemplified his humility.  He was a really true friend with a really big heart.  We all miss him a lot.  Like most of his family and friends, I feel his presence whenever I'm outside - hiking, skiing, running and when I'm simply walking along in the neighborhood.  

When I think of Pete, I think of the importance of a strong community, and family.  He saw the best in people and still inspires me to be positive, optimistic, and look on the brighter side of things.  A good friend of mine and I were remembering how he always wore a smile - as if to say to the world "Why not smile?".  So today, in honor of Peter Tripp - wear a smile.  Smile at a stranger.  Smile at your clients.  Smile at your friends and family.  Smile at your baby.  Optimism is infectious!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Baby Buddies

Hanging with baby Sawyer and Harper (with mama and papa Faunce)

Francie.  I LOVE her to pieces.  She just makes me smile every time I see her pictures

Hey baby Kennedy!

Peter and Kennedy!

Baby buddies!  Amy (Peter), Gretchen (Kennedy), Stacy (baby girl sunSHINE), Joanna (Francie)

Survived the 5.5hr drive back from Yakima.  This was a pit stop to feed him.  Sort of like the calm before the storm.  It got pretty bad for a while.  Teething baby+car ride = stressed out parents

Yes, I really did blur this picture.  Trying to preserve a little privacy - despite how adorable naked babies are!  This is my mom's efforts in propping Peter up in the new inflatable play tub!
Sliding down on the new bathtub lounger.  He is such an aggressive kicker!  If he has flippers like his daddy, he will make a great swimmer someday