Monday, April 30, 2012

Big Time

I know.....I'm sure relative to this whole ordeal, I am not that big and will obviously continue to get bigger.  However!  Right now, I am feeling big.  Today at work, I started out feeling pretty comfortable in my skin and body - I was used to my new size and it didn't phase me.  I was sitting there working with one of my patients in the gym and I caught a side view of myself and thought - woah, who is THAT?!  I crack myself up - because I still don't expect to look like that yet.  But hey girlie, you're there.  And then it's really funny when I try to squeeze through a narrow space or in between people - but then realize that I am too big to actually fit.  Ay, poor body awareness. By this afternoon I felt really big.  It's funny how you change during the day.  I don't know if it's just eating, water retention or just my abs failing against gravity.  I tried going to the gym and had a hard time tying my shoes and found myself grunting to bend over.  And I'm not even into the third trimester... So here I am, 23.5 weeks along.

A few weeks ago I went out to Boston to cheer my sister on at the Boston Marathon.  She is a complete and total rock star.  It was really really hot, (88-90 degrees!) and she ran an incredible race.  Steady and strong - I was so proud of her.  Here we are at the expo.

Here we are at the start of the race.  I ran the first mile with her and then trotted to meet my folks on the sideline.  I think I am officially done running for a while.  It was fun to be there at the start with her.  If you can't read her visor, it says "Sturdy Bitch" - she brings honor to the name!  And this is a huge compliment, truly.

 This is the virgin blood mary I had that night - it was soooooooo good and hit the spot.  Mmmmm.

The next weekend we went to the cabin at Crescent Lake.  It was so beautiful.  Cold enough to have some snow on the ground (which kept the mosquitos away) and there weren't many people up there.  Here I am showing off my new maternity jeans that Lindsay and my cousin Katie helped me buy in Boston.  Thank you ladies.  I have always been nervous to wear skinny jeans - b/c it just still seems weird to me.  However I've decided that skinny jeans with a very stretchy waist/belly part are awesome.  I think Ill wear these every year for Thanksgiving.

 I love relaxing and reading at Crescent Lake.  (oh, and baking! we made cinnamon rolls)  It's one of my favorite places in the world.  It was a great weekend with good friends and family.

This is a tulip from our yard!  Finally things are blooming.  To my surprise, our lilac tree in the front of the house is FINALLY blooming!  This is the fifth year we have had it and it always has greenery, but no blooms.  I am stoked!  

1 comment:

  1. You look adorable! And the skinny mama jeans look fan. I never had any body awareness either, always bumping in to things. Can't wait to see you very shortly!
