Thursday, April 5, 2012


One thing I did not anticipate about being pregnant.............a lowered immune system and lot's of colds!!  I've always had great pride that I had a tough immune system, thanks to all of the exposure to my patients every day.  I hadn't gotten a cold in 2 years!  And then came week 8 of pregnancy and bam!  I've had four colds in the last three months.  And now I've got another.  Bust out the netti pot, and brew some tea.  I even set up my old vaporizer/humidifier from childhood.  Ugh.  What a pain.  I can deal as long as I know this immune system of mine is protecting Willy Chuck (my dad's nickname for the little guy).

I had the ultimate cute thing happen yesterday.  I've had about 6 patients point blank ask me if I was pregnant.  Granted, I am started to show more, but I still think people are pretty gutsy to ask their health care provider such a question.  However!  Yesterday one of my patients brought their 5yr old daughter in with them to PT, and the mom didn't know I was pregnant (or at least I hadn't told her).  The first thing the little girl did/said when we got in the room was look at my belly, then back up at me and say very non-chalant "YOU have a baby in your belly".  As if I didn't know.  But it really was the cutest thing in the world.  Made my day.  During her mom's visit she proceeded to bust out random comments like "YOU need to eat really good because you have a baby in your belly, huh".  I proceeded to tell her - "yep, no candy.  But LOTS of ice cream".  She looked kind of confused ;o)

One more day until the weekend!!  Today I am officially half way there, 20 weeks!

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute story, Amy! Congrats on making it halfway!
