Thursday, July 4, 2013

4th of July

Butte to Butte 10k

We started the day off with a bang and ran the Butte to Butte.  Jake did a great job pushing Peter in the stroller the entire way (shout out and thanks to Josh for helping up that steep hill!).  He finished among the top 10 runners pushing strollers!  Peter fell asleep about 1/2 way into the 2nd mile and was out until the finish.  It was my first race back post baby and a blast.

Pre-race bear snuggle

Close to mile 3 (Josh, Jake, Peter is asleep and Amy) - all in red

Catching up with my buddy Addison!
Getting pumped for the race!

Born to race
"Score!" - celebrating the 10k finish with grandma Pam (in Clifton fashion, with coffee of course)

Happy 4th of July!

Playing with blocks - my all time favorite

I'm sitting here writing this blog right now hoping Peter doesn't wake up with all the fireworks going on outside!  Funny how fast my enjoyment of fireworks fades when there is a sleeping babe a few feet away.

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