Saturday, May 18, 2013

Mama's Day

I had a great first mama's day. Peter and Jake made me banana pancakes and coffee, then we hiked Mt Pisgah. Then we had dinner with Pam, Jay and my dad!
Peter has been so affectionate lately - snuggling and hugging. It's the best.

The best Mother's Day gift I got though was knowing that my grandma is doing so well. She had open heart surgery last Thursday and we have been sending her strong energy all week. Go grandma go!

My mom is amazing and has been up with grandma for support. I can't say enough about her - its sort of beyond words. She is my idol in every way.

A big shout out to Pam. She is more than I could ask for in a mother in law. Thanks for taking care of Peter and thanks for taking care of me! (and our lawn, and our garden, and our house, and everything!)

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