Monday, May 27, 2013

WR 2013

We did it! Husbands and babies in tow, and we had a really good time.  This weekend was the 9th annual gathering/"women's retreat" for my best girlfriends from UPS.  We typically get together and have a girl's weekend, but this year we brought our spouses and babies. We met in Hood River, OR and stayed in a 6 bedroom house. Did I mention we had 5 babies spanning from 2mo to 14mo? It really was remarkable. I can't speak for anyone else, but it really was an incredibly fun weekend.The only   person missing was Kathleen.  It wasn't the same without you Kathl! 

It was so great to meet everyone's babies and share stories. We got out on some walks/hikes/runs....some went skiing, played golf, explored the local brew pubs...and we ate very well. However mostly we sat around and chatted, which us what we do best. Such a blast! Joanna even made our kiddos matching UPS Logger outfits. Priceless. 

Highchair heritage

Peter's great great grandfather, Knut Clifton (1884-1970), was a woodworker who built this highchair for his son (Peter's great grandfather). It doesn't meet modern safety standards, but Peter wanted a chance to be the 4th generation of his family to sit in it!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Three generations

Jake, Peter and I went up to the Crescent Lake cabin with Jay.  We had a great time and went on a really nice hike Saturday early evening.  Three generations of Clifton men!

Jay, Peter and Jake

NOW we know who taught Peter to stick out his tongue

Family portrait

Loving the backpack!

What a face!!

Totally exhausted after we got home. 

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Another milestone! Seems to preference his L hand so far....

I got a new chair too! Mom is digging my good posture.

Hey girlfriend

We had a visit from our buddies the Closes last weekend. It was so much fun. We went to another baby shower for Anna and Brook Waldman and then hit up the Bierstein, and Prince Puckler's ice cream. Does it get any better?!

Fancy Francie and Peter Monster - Francie is waving hi to Peter.  So cute!

Saying hi for the first time - it was priceless

Let's play!

"Just one more kiss Peter!"


Cant wait to meet baby Waldman!

Mama's Day

I had a great first mama's day. Peter and Jake made me banana pancakes and coffee, then we hiked Mt Pisgah. Then we had dinner with Pam, Jay and my dad!
Peter has been so affectionate lately - snuggling and hugging. It's the best.

The best Mother's Day gift I got though was knowing that my grandma is doing so well. She had open heart surgery last Thursday and we have been sending her strong energy all week. Go grandma go!

My mom is amazing and has been up with grandma for support. I can't say enough about her - its sort of beyond words. She is my idol in every way.

A big shout out to Pam. She is more than I could ask for in a mother in law. Thanks for taking care of Peter and thanks for taking care of me! (and our lawn, and our garden, and our house, and everything!)

Arts and crafts

I finally got to express my crafty side and create something for Peter's room! My friend Joanna inspired me to bust out some burlap and get painting. I love the way it turned out. I've been wanting to do this since before he was born!

Friday, May 3, 2013

9 months old

I was just admiring and loving Peter's gummy smile this week, when all of sudden a tooth popped up yesterday!  He was gnawing on my finger (like he often does) and I thought - dang that feels sharp.  Sure enough, he has his first tooth!  R bottom central incisor.  Pretty dang cool.

I have a tooth! 

I'm trying to crawl, but not quite there yet

Trying to feel my new tooth with my thumb

Happy kid

Playing in the tub


Lot's of sun this week.  We tried to get outside as much as possible!


Loving both of my new swings.  Peter's first "car" from Grandpa Bill.  We now have two baby swings so Peter and his buddies can swing together!

My first outdoor road ride since having Peter and being pregnant - so nice!

Date ride

Getting ready for a run outside with mama
Walkin in the sunshine