Sunday, March 24, 2013

7 months

We met up with Ashley Reich and had some more photos taken.  To be expected, as soon as the "big camera" came out, Peter curled his lips and did his best to avoid smiling.  It's pretty funny.  He's such a smiley kid, and then it's as if he is protesting. She did catch a few good smiles though.

At 7mo. Peter is sitting up really well and only occasionally topples backwards.  He's actually a week away from 8mo (as Im writing this) so keep that in mind.  He is starting to move from sitting to his tummy, but no quadruped yet (hands/knees).  He is enjoying solid food more - likes oatmeal, banana, avocado, sweet potatoes and peas.  Carrots and broccoli are ok - but I think it's more related to him getting used to a different texture.  I'm using a little cuisinart to blend stuff up for him.  We tried some applesauce but he wasn't quite ready for the "tartness" and wasn't a big fan the first time.  We'll try it again soon!  We have this cool "mesh teether" thing that we can put frozen peas or a piece of apple in and he loves to chew on it.  He was sleeping pretty well, only waking ~2x per night, but he got a cold about 2-3wks ago and now he's been waking up more frequently.  Ay!  Last night was much better, so I'm hoping it's a trend in the right direction.  He has the best giggle right now and loves to be kissed and tickled.  He seems to like looking at photos of people and always smiles.  He has discovered how to blow "raspberries" with his mouth (or make fart noises for those of you that don't know what I'm talking about).  It's pretty hilarious.  He seems to get a kick of doing it and tends to do it more when he is tired/frustrated. 

Other than that - he is amazing, happy and Jake and I are still in heaven.  Heaven where you don't sleep much, but heaven nonetheless.

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