Thursday, May 31, 2012

Pop goes the weasel

People have been telling me that I "popped" this week.  I feel like I've had this belly for quite some time, but apparently now everyone can see what I've been feeling!  It's definitely getting harder to bend over to tie my shoes and work is getting significantly more challenging.  Being a manual physical therapist is tough - but forcing me to be creative.  
27 weeks

28 weeks

I got to spend Memorial Day weekend with my college girlfriends (minus Kathl, but we got to skype with her).  It was so great and nostalgic - we even went back to our old stomping ground at UPS and made the rounds.  Sadly the cafe and SUB weren't open.  We did go to QueenAnne marketplace (now called Metropolitan Market) to get soup and bulk candy.  Ahh, the good old days.  We spent lot's of time talking about babies and got to see first hand how Joanna has so gracefully become a mom to Francie.  I think I was most shocked at how much babies feed and how often - ie. all the time!  I knew, but I didn't really understand the reality of what that means.  Thankfully what we all do best is sit around and talk - and we can do it for hours without batting an eye.  So it worked out really well!  And little Francie was so fun to play with.   We were just enamored watching her - calling it Francie TV.

Below is us at UPS in front of Schiff hall (my old dorm!) 

                                   These are some little onesies that my friends made for me - so cute!

                       Meet Francie - the little glowworm.  She is adorable.  Even when she cries and poops

I got to practice carrying Francie in the Beco carrier - very ergonomic and comfortable.  I give it the PT A+ thumbs up and stamp of ergonomic approval!

So I am now in the third trimester.  Wow.  I think the first trimester felt the longest......probably because I felt cruddy and each day felt like a week long.  Glad to be moving forward.  A little blown away at how my body and belly keep growing.  (And if my boobs could please stop growing, I would greatly appreciate it - seriously!!).  I know and understand development - but the actual process of going through it yourself is totally awesome and bizarre at the same time.  I'm really excited and anxious to meet this little guy - and freaked out all at the same time.  ~ame

1 comment:

  1. ah amy..! you still look so perfectly pregnant and graceful.. stunning really.

    glad you had a great vacation with the girls, I kept meaning to do that before I got too big and then waited to late to go .. :)
