Friday, April 13, 2012

Growing like a weed in spring

One minute I feel totally comfortable, with a little belly (or as some call it, a baby bump).  The next minute I am so uncomfortable and feel like this little guy is doing all his growing in one day!  Wow - I feel big this week.  And I'm only half way!  

There is definitely no hiding it anymore.  So, based on some advice from a hip friend in Brooklyn, I am going to wear some tight clothes and embrace being pregnant.  Why not, right?  I finally went through my wardrobe and packed up my normal clothes.  I was starting to get really frustrated every morning, digging through my drawers of regular pants (passing by my favorite jeans, sniff sniff).  But alas!  My drawers and closet are only full of clothes I can actually wear now.  And I've decided I need to go find some comfy maternity jeans as a temporary substitute.  Any suggestions?

This week all the tulips and daffodils and trees are blooming.  The weeds are growing like crazy.  It's still raining in Eugene, but it's warmer rain.  It just plain SMELLS like spring outside.  I'm loving it!

I am flying to Boston to support my sister in the Boston Marathon on Monday.  I was signed up to run it with her before I found out I was pregnant.  I'm excited to go out and cheer her on, carry water and gels for her for a mile or two.  We'll see if I last a mile!  Lindsay is going to rock this race, follow her online!

Jake is running a 20mile trail run in Sisters, OR on Sunday.  He has trained so well, I know he's going to do great.  Wish I could be at both races!

We went up to Pickett Butte Lookout last weekend with our friends Carrie and Brian.  It was so cool and peaceful.  And tall!!!  The stairs made me cringe climbing to the top.  We had some great food, went on a nice hike and ate lot's of chocolate.

Hope yall have a good weekend.  One last photo for you...........



  1. In my professional opinion as a doctor*, you are definitely pregnant now!

    *(of law)**

    **(that'll be $200)

  2. Look at your belly! You look absolutely beautiful and happy! Now go buy yourself some kickass maternity jeans, friend! ;-)

  3. so cute! you look pregnant but pretty small still for this stage I still think I beat you on pure radius alone ;)
