Welcome! We are almost halfway through this pregnancy. We have long admired our blogging friends, especially getting to follow their pregnancies and new adventures. So here we go! Better late than never, we are embarking on the blog journey, in hopes to share with you our journey.
I am 18 weeks along and starting to feel some questionable kicks. At first I thought I was making it up in my head, but now I think they are pretty legit. Last weekend I went in to the PT office where we have a real-time ultrasound (used for biofeedback and training abdominal, back and shoulder muscles) and checked on our little "cluster", "sea urchin", or "willy chuck" (depending on who you talk to, and yeah - Willy Chuck is my dad's nickname for the babe - boy or girl he says). It was so incredible. To sit there and watch it move, roll on it's side, and then move it's arms, head and legs. It makes me want to go in and check every week!
This Friday we get to find out if it's a boy or girl. I'm SO excited, and also kind of nervous at the same time. I have no preference at all - but am still anxious!
I'll post some pictures. I haven't taken weekly pics, and didn't start until week 13. But again, better late than never.
Until next time!